Turkey’s first church in nearly 100 years; Praying for other churches in your city + What’s the deal with Wonder Woman?
A momentous church for Turkey: The Islamic-rooted government of Turkey has authorised the building of the first church in the country in nearly a century. “It is the first since the creation of the republic (in 1923),” a government source said. Read more here.
Tim Costello warns against diluting the Gospel: “Christians believe the resurrection of Jesus brings not only forgiveness of sins but also liberation for the down-trodden and God’s promised justice for the poor and oppressed… Is “hypocrite” the only conclusion to explain the puzzle of such a faith disconnect from those who assume power? I think not. History has recorded the inescapable transmogrifying of faith once it is married to political power. The typical solution of the devout politician is to privatise faith and truncate the Gospel so it only addresses the personal dimension of forgiveness of sins, with the social dimension contracted out to market technocrats. Worse, Christianity is diluted to some conservative moral principles that act as cultural glue to support the state sometimes in its worst nationalistic chauvinisms.” Read more here.
Christianity growing China’s economy? The ongoing growth of Christianity and the growth of China’s economy may be related, according to a new study in the China Economic Review. The authors found that Christianity boosts China’s economic growth. Specifically, they found that robust growth occurs in areas of China where Christian congregations and institutions are prevalent. But why? Read more.
Christianity and comics collide: As Wonder Woman’s creator, William Moulton Marston, once wrote of the need for a strong female superhero: “Women’s strong qualities have become despised because of their weak ones. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.” On the cusp of a new Wonder Woman movie, Alicia Cohn argues that modern female superheroes barely stand for anything. But it wasn’t always this way. Read more.
Can you name the other churches in your neighbourhood? “Many local churches are tempted to conduct themselves as if they didn’t know any other local evangelical churches existed around them.” Here are few reasons why churches should pray for other churches in their city. Read more here.
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