God Particle to the world: you should not exist; Mother to daughter’s potential suitor: think twice

Screen shot 2014-06-27 at 3.44.44 PMThe God Particle? Maybe not: News this week that the Higgs Boson, nicknamed the ‘God Particle’, seems to prove that the universe should, in fact, not exist at all. This Eternity writer notes a distinct lack of ‘God Particle’ in nearly any of the headlines for this new piece of news – a big change from the coverage in 2012 when the Higgs Boson was discovered, the particle that scientists say is a building block of the universe.

Why is it called the ‘God Particle’? You can read the answer here. And now, why shouldn’t the universe have existed? Well, that’s a new problem that may make physics more interesting again.

Writes Brid-Aine Parnell for Forbes: “None of us should be here. In fact, the whole world, the stars and the galaxies shouldn’t be here either. According to a new cosmological study, our whole Universe should have blinked out of existence an instant after it was first created.”

On the run: The journey of this Christian convert from Afghanistan is unimaginable to those of us living in the comfort and security of Australia. But the New York Times depicts a man who’s newly found faith is stronger than many who’ve never known a life without religious freedom. “My body is in prison, but my soul is free.” Read the full article here.

Think twice before dating my daughter: This mother wrote an email to her 15-year-old daughter’s potential suitor. It’s all about trust, theology, friendship and risk. And it’s intense, but beautiful in its honesty and wisdom. This mother thought that perhaps other parents might be wishing they could write something similar. So here it is in full. 

And if that’s not an example of how to intimidate a potential boyfriend for your precious daughter, this post is all about raising a daughter to intimidate boys all on her own: “The unsuitable suitor finds nothing more terrifying than a woman who knows her worth to God and to her family.” Read that one here.

Don’t curb your enthusiasm: Hillsong’s creative pastor, Rich Langton writes about the benefits of being enthusiastic in church. It’s advice this writer would have thought relevant to some denominations more than others, but she’s taken it on board particularly in her own worship leading at church on Sundays. In fact, she’s been praying for a while, “Lord, help me to be genuine in my enthusiasm towards you. May I not put on a mask of praise, or care what others think of me while I worship you.”

Don’t publish ‘Allah’: Eternity has followed a Malaysian court case for some time, that found in 2007, that a Catholic newspaper could not use the word “Allah” to refer to God. Here, we’ve found a helpful history of the use of the word ‘Allah’ in Christian history. Click here to read the full article.

The 404 of evangelism: Checking out the dates of John Lennox’s tour of Australia in August, this writer stumbled across a rather amusing 404 error message. Now, we know Lennox is known the world over for being a very good evangelist and apologist, but this is something else:

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