Would We have been friends? Keller and Piper on Lewis – Desiring God
Would John Piper and Tim Keller have been friends with CS Lewis if they’d had the chance? The two Lewis fans discuss the man and whether they would get along this video.

Sex and Jihad – the Failure of Modern Hermeneutics – David Ould
David Ould takes a detailed at the way our society likes to minimise the unpalatable parts of the Bible and the Qu’ran: “In both areas there has been a singular failure to read religious texts as they were intended to be read and to understand how they were intended to be applied.”  Read the rest here.

justin welby

Photo from Bobbie Houston’s instagram account.

Hillsong and the Archbishop of Canterbury – Instagram
Not a blog but interesting nonetheless: Brian Houston and Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, talk church unity at Hillsong Conference in London this week.

Bible versions as star wars characters – The Gear Family
“KJV – Obi Wan Kenobi. An old fossil, but for some reason still gets the job done for die-hard traditionals.” Read the rest here.


God meets a different standard of proof – Richard Schumacker, Online Opinion
This looks at the assumption God has a responsibility to reveal him/herself in some way that is unambiguous and undeniable by the standards of scientific and philosophical reasoning. And how that assumption creeps into public dialogue around faith and science. Read the whole article here.

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