Billy Graham wants to talk to you about Easter (no, seriously)

A clock ticks as the My Hope film opens. Billy Graham is 99 years old. He is running out of time to do what he has spent a lifetime doing: preach the gospel of Christ.


“I want to leave you with the truth: that he loves you and is willing to forgive you of all your sins.” – Billy Graham

“There have been times that I’ve wept, as I’ve gone from city to city and seen how far people have wandered from God,” Graham says. “Of all the things that I’ve seen and heard, there’s only one message that can change people’s lives and hearts.

“I want to tell people about the meaning of the cross. Not the cross that hangs on the wall, or around someone’s neck, but the real cross of Christ. It is scarred and bloodstained.

“I know that many will react to this message, but it is the truth and, with all my heart, I want to leave you with the truth: that he loves you and is willing to forgive you of all your sins.”

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is planning a big Easter outreach campaign. Jorge Rodrigues, Executive Director of BGEA Australia, says they’re looking to partner with 1000 Aussie churches for the My Hope campaign, based around a 30-minute film called The Cross, which features Billy Graham. The film has been produced by BGEA to be shown in churches and at Christian outreach events, offered for free to those who sign up.

Billy Graham is joined in the film by Lecrae, an American hip-hop recording artist, and Lacey Sturm, an American singer/songwriter of hard rock band Flyleaf. Together, they share their personal testimonies and how the Cross has changed their lives.

Rodrigues says it’s a message that Australians, in particular, need to hear.

“As our nation turns increasingly to secularism and challenges Christian values, we want to partner with these churches to lovingly proclaim the everlasting Gospel and share the message of hope and eternal life with communities across Australia,” says Rodrigues.

Free training resources for churches as they look to take part in the My Hope campaign are also available.

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My Hope campaign

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Australia

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