Everyday Mission Without Borders continues to deliver 400 emergency parcels to people still in Ukraine. Families who cannot afford to flee, the elderly who are unable and fathers who now find themselves alone.
The sad reality of this war is that it is not just mothers and fathers or the elderly who are impacted. It is also the children who now live with unspeakable fear and trauma.
12-year-old Alina’s entire world changed when war erupted on the doorstep of her home and her safety was threatened. But through generous support, Mission Without Borders (MWB) was able to offer refuge and a moment of fun to bring colour back into her new reality.
“On the second day of war, the airport in Rivne was bombed. We heard the sound and lay on the floor. Mother covered me with her body, waiting for the next shelling. The reality of war came into our lives. I am old enough to understand the horrors of war. It became a daily concern for me. Here at camp, I started feeling relief and joy. I became happier and started believing, that God can help Ukraine. These days are the first colour days after only black-and-white days of war.”
“I became happier and started believing, that God can help Ukraine.”
Children from Ukraine experiencing fun and colour at MWB 2022 Summer Camp
It has now been over 145 days since destruction and devastation erupted as Russia escalated its attack against this nation. In just 145 days, millions have lived a lifetime of horror, forever changing their lives.
Volodymyr usually lives in Kyiv. Just before the war began, he and his wife went to visit his elderly mother who is bed-bound. “The most awful thing was hiding in the small cellar during the bombings, while our mother had to stay in bed. Every time we were afraid we wouldn’t see her alive again. One time, pieces of shell got inside the house, very close to her bed. Like every other house here, the windows were broken in the first few days. It was the end of winter and it was 2-3C (35-37F) inside. No electricity, no gas. Little by little, I’m trying to repair what was broken.”
“Every time we were afraid we wouldn’t see her alive again.”
Volodymyr receiving food and supplies from Mission Without Borders
It is people like Volodymyr and Alina that inspire Mission Without Borders to keep its doors open in Ukraine. Even when so many have fled, MWB remains rooted and ready to share hope and light with those who are left behind.
It is estimated, that 14 million Ukrainians have fled their homes to seek refuge elsewhere, with approximately 8 million being internally displaced and away from their homes.
Our staff and volunteers in Ukraine and neighbouring countries like Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria are still delivering food and hygiene parcels to those who have been unable to leave. Some of them have stayed in Ukraine to continue serving their communities.
Your support will enable us to continue distributing critical food, hygiene aid, clothing and refuge. Just $25 could help give hope and colour back to those in crisis.
Please help today with a donation and help us distribute emergency food, supplies and clothing to refugees fleeing the war and those who cannot leave their country.
Watch this video to see how the generosity of others is helping MWB serve hundreds of thousands of people as we commit to responding to the crisis in Ukraine.
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