Missionary Diary: Fridays are full-on in WA
Sermons, kids club, youth group and more!
Brendan is an assistant minister (with a focus on young families and evangelism) at St George’s Anglican Church, Bluff Point – a northern coastal suburb of Geraldton, Western Australia, with a population of around 1400 residents. Brendan, his wife Laura and their three sons moved there almost three years ago. They are financially supported by Bush Church Aid.
Today was a Friday. For most people, Friday signals the end of the week. But for me, Friday is like a Wednesday – it’s hump day (my day off is Tuesday). I have to really rev myself up for Fridays as there is always a lot on.
On this particular Friday, I got up extra early to do my quiet time so I could go to the Geraldton Ministers Fellowship. It’s a lovely group of people. We spend time praying together and talking about different combined events that are coming up, such as community Christmas carols and the mayor’s prayer breakfast.
After this I head over to Quiet Life café. I’m there to meet up with Matt Morrison (assistant minister at Dongara Anglican Church) and Mike Welham (assistant minister at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral). While I’m waiting for them to arrive, I order my coffee, sit down and do some more work on Sunday’s sermon. We’re working our way through Exodus and this week we are looking at God’s name in Exodus 3. What angle can I take that will engage both believers and unbelievers? Maybe I could talk about how the nature of God seems inconsequential, like a philosopher’s plaything. Yet the nature of the economy or housing market are things we think of as more urgent and important.
… these women are growing in their love for, and understanding of, Jesus.
As I’m chewing on these things, Matt walks in, and we share with each other about how ministry is going. Mike comes in soon after. The three of us work our way through a couple of coffees each (and it’s good coffee too), sharing ministry ideas, challenges and encouragements. I come away from our catch up feeling thankful to be gospel co-workers with these great blokes.
I head home to keep working on my sermon. When I get home I find that Laura is back from Geraldton Christian College (our kids’ school). She has been leading a Bible study there with a great group of women and mums. Many of them are from other churches and have commented that they have never been in a Bible study before that just works through a book of the Bible, bit by bit. Laura and I debrief about her study. It’s great hearing from her how these women are growing in their love for, and understanding of, Jesus.
After some lunch together, I start getting everything ready for Splash kids club. We only started Splash a couple of months ago, but we are starting to get about eight to ten kids each week. It’s another great afternoon, as we dig into Mark’s Gospel with the kids. We play games, eat food, sing songs, learn memory verses, have a short talk and do some craft. It’s a good time, but it’s tough as we have to use the old church building for Splash. All of us can’t wait until our hall renovations are done so that we can have Splash in there (only one month to go!).

Laura Hurley (seated in front row, far right) with her Bible study
After Splash and a bit of dinner with the family, I head over to the Cathedral for our combined youth group. It’s a small group of about ten youth, but we have a great time unpacking Philippians. Especially encouraging is the great prayer time my group have. Also in the other group, one of the young people really opens up on how they’re going at school, and it’s a great opportunity for Mike to speak the gospel into their situation.
After packing up I jump in the car and head home. After praying with Laura, my head hits the pillow very tired. Yet I still have some thoughts buzzing around in my head for Sunday’s sermon. I make sure I scribble them down so I can chew on them tomorrow. Priority number one is getting some sleep. It’s been a massive day. But as I lay down I’m thankful to God for what he is doing, and I’m excited to see what he has in store in the months ahead.
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