Jagaa meets God in the Mongolian steppes

Who would have thought that remote people in the middle of the far stretches of the Mongolian steppes with no neighbours for tens and sometimes hundreds of kilometres, could see themselves as the apple of God’s eye?


Jagaa is a former police officer now retired and depends on herding to sustain the family. He came to know Christ through a former friend who was a KGB agent and listener of FEBC. [Far East Broadcasting Company is an international Christian radio network.] For God to use a KGB agent, of all people, is extraordinary and provides an insight into how God is at work in all things.

For Jagaa meeting God in one of the loneliest places has been life-changing. Yet how can you learn more and grow as a Christian in such a place? How do you understand God’s immense love in Christ and his plan and purpose in your life?

This is where FEBC plays a key role.

Mongolia has its challenges when it comes to nurturing and providing fellowship for believers. Due to their lifestyle as nomadic herders, the landscape, and the severe weather (from -40C to 30+C), regular meetings and face-to-face fellowship are not always possible.


In Mongolia, FEBC provides a caring community and church-at-large by connecting people through radio and encouraging them in God’s word and ‘on-air fellowship’.

Jagaa’s wife says, “Our nomadic life is a huge challenge in being a part of a church family … But radio has become our lifeline. It feeds our faith with solid biblical teaching …Often my husband takes this radio with him when he tends the sheep. It has become his only confidant on the vast pasture.

For Jagaa, through the radio, the gospel is with him daily. In fact, other herders he crosses paths with have become so used to hearing the gospel playing on his radio that they gave him the nickname “Jesus Jagaa.”

He is proud of this title and feels privileged and responsible to be of good testimony to the Lord’s name.

“I am forever grateful to Jesus that He found me,” Jagaa says.

FEBC Mongolia currently broadcasts on 16 local FM stations throughout Mongolia and plans to launch another 11. When completed, the entire country, and other remote nomads like Jagaa, will all have access to the gospel.

As a believer, I am reminded that I am not only loved, forgiven, restored and set free through Christ Jesus’ death and resurrection. I am also called to share this good news for there are millions more yet to hear. At FEBC, our heart is to let them hear as we reach the most remote, loneliest, desperate, and hurting people of our world. 

Encouraging families like Jagaa’s

How can we encourage families like Jagaa’s or others in isolation across the world today? You can do this in two ways:

  1. By supporting them with our on-air programs that continue to share the gospel.
  2. By supporting on-air programs that assist with life skills and training or provide practical support for everyday needs.

As I sign off this message, my heart’s encouragement and prayer for you, and to Jagaa and his family, and to all those yet to hear the good news is Paul’s prayer to the Ephesians 3:14-18.

14 When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, 15 the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. 16 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.”

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