Ben McEachen | August 17th, 2017 10:59 AM
Most of us would agree that stealing is wrong. We don’t want our stuff pinched and we don’t tend to make a habit of knicking other people’s stuff.
Yet when it comes to what we love to watch, heist movies have been a long-standing hit. Whether it is The Italian Job or Now You See Me, Inception to The Sting and Inside Man, you and I can be seriously entertained by people scheming to steal.
New at cinemas this week is Logan Lucky, a comedy about hillbilly brothers (Channing Tatum and Adam Driver) plotting to rob a NASCAR race. Logan Lucky is directed by Steven Soderbergh, the bloke who brought us the smooth-criminal trilogy Ocean’s 11, 12 and 13. Soderbergh’s no stranger to heist movies, then.
The Big Picture’s Ben McEachen reviews Logan Lucky in the video above and admits how it forced him to think again about his support for crime on-screen.
Also at cinemas this week is The Circle, a tech-paranoia tale about a social networking company trying to take over all of our lives. Sound familiar? Mark Hadley gives his 60 Second Verdict on The Circle below, pinpointing how it reboots the old idea of personal responsibility.
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