Mark Hadley | August 15th, 2017 12:14 PM
Out of this world rages a battle between those who seek to “boldly go where no man has gone before” and the Master of the Universe, God.
Covering the production of the latest Star Trek TV series, Discovery, Entertainment Weekly reported that lead actor Jason Isaacs was told he couldn’t say “God” – after he ad libbed a line of dialogue that included “God”. Since that “Star Trek bans God” story emerged, executive producer Gretchen Berg has stated that “God” is allowed to be mentioned in Star Trek. Yet she mentions there are restrictive conditions around “God” being referenced, in line with Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s initial vision of a godless future.
Watch the video above to find out more about this godless universe, and what banning God from Star Trek reveals about our approach to life in God’s universe.
Another sci-fi spectacle on screen also deals with debated questions of existence. Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets dares to tackle multiculturalism and offers suggestions how we all might leave together in harmony. Is there something to Valerian‘s vision of future unity that we can pursue today?
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