The Chosen TV series ends on Sunday

The crowdfunded, app-distributed Jesus TV show that is actually worth watching, The Chosen, comes to an end this Sunday.


Well, Season Two reaches its finale, at least, with the hotly anticipated ‘Sermon on the Mount’ episode being made available.

The Chosen TV series

As with the entire second season, the finale on Sunday will be livestreamed via The Chosen‘s YouTube channel ahead of its broader release via the show’s app and other outlets.

The Sunday session will again be hosted by series creator Dallas Jenkins. Around Episode Eight’s screening, Jenkins will interview cast members, offer details about Season Three and answer fan questions.

As mainstream media is starting to notice, The Chosen continues to grow as a pop culture force. The Chosen app claims more than 200 million views of the show’s episodes already, heading to a stated viewing target of at least one billion by the end of an intended seven seasons.

Having fully paid for its first two seasons through crowdsourcing its funds, The Chosen already has funded the first four episodes of Season Three. The show’s impressive ‘Pay it Forward‘ system allows episodes to be made available for free, as people around the world pay for others to watch The Chosen.

Season Two has been building to the legendary ‘Sermon on the Mount’, largely through increased focus upon the disciples and their coming to terms with following a leader who appears to be the long-awaited Messiah.

As the Hollywood-style trailer below indicates, “It’s time” for Jesus (played divinely by Jonathan Roumie) to go public with his ministry.

“Are we advertising something that might not happen?” and “What if we have all been misled?” are some of the disciples questions in Episode Eight.

“What if no-one shows up?” questions disciple John (George Harrison Xanthis). “What if everyone shows up?” politely retorts Mary Magdalene (Elizabeth Tabish).

Shot on The Chosen‘s main location outside Dallas-Forth Worth in Texas, USA, the Sermon on the Mount’s crowd scenes contain hardcore fans of the show for this re-creation of one of Jesus’s best-known appearances.

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