The Emoji Movie. Enough said, really

PLUS: Dame Judi Dench and the danger of friendship across faith

An animated movie about those little characters you add to a text? Faster than you can say “cash in”, The Emoji Movie arrives at cinemas and hopes to entice families to give it the thumbs up.


Spare one minute with “The 60 Second Verdict” to find out if The Emoji Movie is more to write home about than just jumping shamelessly on a bandwagon.

Also at cinemas, Dami Judi Dench reprises her role as Queen Victoria in another based-on-a-true-story biopic about the old royal and her unusual friendships. Victoria and Abdul focuses on the ageing monarch’s close ties with an Indian servant – but ends up suggesting something quite startling about the two different religions that they follow.

To complete this week’s round-up of new cinema releases, get the lowdown on Michael Keaton’s American Assassin.

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