Faith Stories with Naomi Reed | March 20th, 2020 04:24 AM
“I have significant mental health issues. And I’ve always been very hard on myself. If anything didn’t go right, or the way I felt it should go, I would overreact emotionally. I would rage – at the thing that went wrong, or at myself, for letting it go wrong. Even my daughter said she felt scared during those times. It’s been a long road. But I’m noticing change, slowly. I started having a problem with my foot last year. I couldn’t walk, apart from around the house. I’ve recently had surgery – a foot reconstruction – which has meant I’ve been off my foot for three months. But God has been slowly building me up in my faith. I’ve been reading Our Daily Bread, and a few days ago, it was Ephesians 1:17 – ‘I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.’ That’s what God wants. And that’s what I’m seeking – to know God better – to know who he is, and how he is at work in my life. Yesterday, I was unpacking the dishwasher (kneeling on my mobility scooter), and I accidentally knocked over the cat’s feeding station. The whole thing went crashing to the floor, including the china food bowls. There was mess everywhere. But I turned around and I stayed calm. I had a look, I saw the mess, and I went back to unloading the dishwasher. I didn’t rage. In that moment, I thanked God for the healing he’s brought into my life. I’m so vastly different to how I used to be. And while it’s been slow, and at times unnoticeable, it’s happened, and it continues to happen …”
Elizabeth’s story is part of Eternity’s Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed. Click here for more Faith Stories.
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