Faith Stories with Naomi Reed | June 28th, 2020 12:48 AM
“Many years ago, my father became very sick and none of the doctors could help him. He had to leave his work and we had no money for food. Then his brother told my father to pray to Jesus, so he did. My father believed in Jesus and then a week later he was completely healed! Then our whole family became Christians.”
“We were the first Christians in our whole village [in Nepal] and my father became the pastor. He’s been the pastor for 26 years now! But my life hasn’t always been easy.
“A year ago, my husband died and I now look after our nine-year-old son on my own. During that time, I’ve often read Psalm 1 – ‘Blessed is the one … whose delight is in the law of the Lord … that person is like a tree planted by streams of water.’ (verses 1-3)
“I know that praise to God and delight in God [are] important all the time, even when life is hard. Life is often hard, but praise to God – for who he is and for what he’s done for us – is more important than asking for things.
“It’s the most important thing, to trust the Lord and to be like a tree, planted by the water. It helps me in my work too. I now work for a non-government organisation, doing community health work amongst the poorest women in the villages. Most of them can’t read or write, and their husbands aren’t kind to them. But when we work in the communities, and love the people, we see change, very slowly.”
Meena’s story is part of Eternity’s Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed. Click here for more Faith Stories.
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