Today, 30 November, is Giving Tuesday – a day when people around the world acknowledge that it is indeed “more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 by a community centre in New York known as “92nd Street Y”. They hoped to inspire a global day of giving, coming up with the hashtag #GivingTuesday and spreading the idea on social media. The United Nations Foundation got behind the event, and now GivingTuesday has spread to more than 50 countries across the world.

Australia was invited to join the campaign in 2013. Last year, about 500 Australian not-for-profits, businesses and individuals took part in the Giving Tuesday campaign, with more expected to participate this year.

The significance of the date is that it falls just after the indulgent US Thanksgiving holiday and the post-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which kicks off the wave of global consumerism that marks Christmas.

As Public Holidays Global puts it: “Giving Tuesday was created to combat the ever-growing rush of holiday shopping that has begun to eat away at the original concept of the holiday season.”

The aim of Giving Tuesday is to put our needs and wants aside, and focus on being generous to others, especially those in need.

Of course, the day is not just about cleansing our consciences. The aim of Giving Tuesday is to put aside our needs and wants and focus on being generous to others, especially those in need. Over the years, billions of dollars have been donated to charitable organisations on this day by individuals, as well as large organisations including Microsoft, Sony and Skype.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been particularly generous. In 2020 it’s estimated that 34.8 million people participated on Giving Tuesday – a 30 per cent increase from the previous year. The global campaign raised more than $700 million, up more than a quarter on the 2018 total.

But it’s not just about giving money. A Facebook post from Giving Tuesday Australia reminds us that volunteering, advocacy, giving goods and just showing kindness are also valuable ways to show generosity to others.

For more information about local charities and welfare organisations you can support, head to the Australian Giving Tuesday website. The site also offers ideas on sharing your “giving story” on social platforms to inspire others to do the same.

And if you’re looking for a cause that’s really close to home, then you’re in the right place. Eternity would love your support to keep providing free, high-quality articles, podcasts and online forums about what God is up to in the world – and every donation helps us do exactly that. To donate to Eternity – and take a peek at some of the big stories we’ve covered this year – click here.


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At Eternity, we passionately believe the good news of what God is doing in the world should be freely available to everyone. So we’d love your support to keep doing exactly that!

To donate to Eternity’s special Giving Tuesday appeal – and take a peek at some of the big stories we’ve covered this year – click on the ‘Give’ button.
