This is a Senior position at the College and the successful applicant will be accountable to the College Headmaster through the Deputy Headmaster and the Directors of Teaching and Learning T-6 and 7-12. The successful applicant would be a teacher with teaching experience and qualifications suitable for such a leadership role. They will –
- Be a qualified and experienced practitioner with a passion for the advancement of gifted and talented students and students with learning needs who require support.
- Lead the Advanced Learning and Learning Support team and provide support and guidance to staff in the development and implementation of appropriate programs to support students across the full range of abilities.
- Be committed to the College and its mission and have a strong personal presence at both the College and community activities.
The College has developed a reputation for five academic and pastoral distinctives
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- Education within a Christian framework,
- The Pursuit of Excellence, particularly Academic Excellence, supported by Sport and the Creative and Performing Arts
- Pride in Belonging
- Community engagement and involvement
- Development of Christian morals, standards & ethics in students (a Second Education)
The successful applicant would be committed to the development of these distinctives.
Personal skills, attributes and expectations:
- Be an active Christian who is involved in a local Church
- Foster staff cooperation and commitment
- Exercise leadership with integrity, loyalty and honesty
- Demonstrate an understanding of Legislative requirements related to Disability provisions
- Display high levels of communication skills
- Be committed to collaboration across all levels within the College community
- Have appropriate qualifications related to Learning Support and/or Gifted Education or be willing to complete or complement them in short order
Areas of responsibility:
- Identification and tracking of students with specific needs
- Collect and interpret internal and external assessment data
- Assist in the application for funding grants, as required
- Manage a budget
- Supervise Advanced Learning Staff and Support Staff (teachers and teacher’s aides)
- Ensure appropriate intervention to support the needs of students with learning challenges or gifts
- Liaise with the College Learning and Pastoral Care Consultant in relation to specific students and referrals for educational assessments
- Oversee the management and organisation of Disability Provisions
- Coordinate programs to assist learning
- Oversee external extension programs and opportunities for students at the College
Professional Development
- Provide recommendations for Professional Learning related to supporting students with needs
- Engage in professional learning to update knowledge and maintain best practice
- Attend Learning Support/Advanced Learning Network meetings
Teaching and Learning
- Work with the Directors of Teaching and Learning and the Teaching and Learning Coordinators to develop and strengthen the differentiated curriculum across the College
- Support teachers in working with students with special needs including giftedness
- Coordinate challenging and intrinsically motivating programs for students with high intellectual potential
- In collaboration with the Pastoral Care team, class teachers and parents, create, monitor and review Individual Education Programs used for enrichment and/or support of Indigenous students
- Assist with the transition of students with learning needs into and from the College
- Have a part teaching load
- Promote and support enrichment programs to potential students and parents
- Liaise with external professionals
- Demonstrate a willingness to contribute to co-curricular College activities. This will involve hours outside of the regular College day
- Where necessary, attend and present at Information evenings or other events at the College
Other roles as determined by the Headmaster
Applications should include a reference or referee details from the Minister of the Church they currently attend.
For information on how to apply, please go to the College website
Applications close on Friday the 24th of August 2018.
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