When school makes Christian kids feel like the enemy
Religious freedom is a basic right
New Russian anti-evangelism laws will not stop Christians evangelising
Russian president Vladimir Putin has approved a new suite of anti-terrorism laws that appear to…
If Sonia Kruger and Pauline Hanson can talk about Muslims, so can Christians
Brad Chilcott, founder of Welcome to Australia, today accused TV host Sonia Kruger and Senator-elect…
Basket made of Bibles wins art prize
Artist Megan Robert won the $25,000 first prize in the Mandorla Art Award for a work which literally meant taking apart the Bible in order to tell the story of Jesus.
He sold everything and moved his family to Thailand to battle child sex slavery
Tony Kirwan spends a lot of time in South East Asian brothels. But he’s not like the other men there …
Going back for more of the same
Cinemas are again loaded with characters or storylines we’ve seen before.
This run club is running for a higher purpose
Simon loves to run. He says passion is the best starting point for meeting other people and building community.
US evangelicals' support for Trump soars
Over the protests of some leaders, United States evangelical Christians are flocking to Trump, supporting…