Eternity News | July 17th, 2017 11:50 AM
Mark is the Group Chief Digital Officer at Bible Society Australia.
Ever wondered what you’ll be using your smartphone for in twenty years time? Mark may help shed some light.
Mark is a writer, presenter and communicator with insights into technology, popular culture and sailing.
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At the ABC he led the product teams who made the award winning ABC apps and websites and the online editorial teams in the areas of Science and Health.
At Fairfax, Mark developed the strategy for Sydney Morning Herald and The Age mobile services and wrote daily for the front pages while crewing in the heart of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.
Mark is also a coach with the Sydney incubator Seed which helping start-ups pivot towards a core purpose.
Way back in the 1990’s Mark was a mobile innovation engineer working at secluded government laboratories dreaming 20 years into the future.
Follow Mark to find out which predictions came true and what to expect next.
Twitter: @markdando
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