Eternity Podcast Network
The Word On The Street
A Christian podcast for parents AND children to listen to together? Yes please. Join Anna Ware as she challenges your kids to follow Jesus and prompts them to ask the deep questions. And the best part? You’ll be right there with them, answering their questions and chatting things over together! Anna Ware is a passionate Australian evangelical Christian from Sydney, Australia, who has a gift in explaining the complex things of Christianity in a simple and unique way that children love. Grab the kids, jump in the car, hook up the bluetooth and start having the God-conversations today!
Latest episodes

HARD TIMES – The Israelites in the Desert
Trusting God through hard times can be hard, but what if you knew about his capabilities? Find out about what God is able to do through the story of how he brought the Israelites back to the Promised Land, and try to remember that next time you are going through hard times and are struggling to trust God.

It is likely that you know people who are sick, someone who has passed away, or maybe people who are struggling with lockdown or lack of contact with others. Covid has brought on hard times lately and the Bible has so much wisdom on the topic, and so it is only fitting that The Word On The Street focuses on this topic this term. Tune into this episode as Anna introduces the concept of hard times and tells about Sarah's hard experiences of leaving her family only to be barren for about 840 months!

Christmas Special with the Elf on the Shelf, Snowflake
What makes Jesus a million times better than Santa? In this episode you will discover how Jesus knows everything and STILL loves us and showers us with the best gift of all - eternal life! Join Anna as she chats with her elf, Snowflake, and helps her see why Jesus is better.

Jesus says that if we believe in him then we are attached to him, the true vine, and we will bear fruit. What does this mean? What is the fruit like? How can we do this? Tune in to another awesome episode of The Word On The Street to learn about how God has designed us to be - fruity!

Jesus died on the cross for our sins. In return for this amazing act, we change our lives to please him One thing we are called to be is humble! Being humble involves ranking yourself last in order of importance. This sounds crazy! Tune in to this episode to hear a breakdown of all this craziness.

Many studies have shown that having a grateful heart has lifelong benefits, but God has been wanting us to do this for centuries! What does it involve, how can we change our hearts and what are we to be grateful for? Tune in to this episode to discover all this and more.

Have you ever wondered where the phrase "walk an extra mile" came from? It was Jesus who said it when he was teaching his disciples to be generous - above and beyond what was expected. Jesus wants us to be generous too. Tune in to this episode to find out more!