Eternity News | September 30th, 2018 01:40 PM
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Notes from Episode One on ‘Politics’:
Megan and Michael dive straight into what they disagree about AND why they connect.
From here, ‘For arguments sake’ cuts out party politics for a considered debate about new Australian PM Scott Morrison’s faith, as well as global reports about helping each other.
‘Discomfort zone’ has Michael exploring different points of view to his own, with The Handmaid’s Tale and The Wife Drought igniting feminist and anti-Christian challenges.
The Drum, ABC, 30 August 2018 (Michael on)
Global Neighbour Index, Baptist World Aid Australia
No Room Domestic Violence Report, Baptist Care Australia
The Wife Drought, Annabel Crabb
The Handmaid’s Tale TV series, The Handmaid’s Tale book, Margaret Atwood
Megan’s articles on The Handmaid’s Tale: Ethos Season 1, Ethos Season 2, Fixing Her Eyes Season 2
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Find out more about the hosts of With All Due Respect:
Rev Dr Michael Jensen, rector at St Mark’s Anglican Darling Point, author, public commentator.
Rev Megan Powell du Toit, ordained Baptist minister, Publishing Manager of the Australian College of Theology, editor of the journal Colloquium.
We got the idea of our two header theology and culture podcast from this show: The Movie Show/At the Movies.
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