Christian living
Men urged to take key role in fight against domestic violence
Cost and confusion preventing Aussies from ethical shopping
Abdallahs reveal forgiven driver has come to Christ
Danny and Leila on prayer and the power of forgiveness
The 'culture wars': a Christian civil war?
The classical world of Greece and Rome was a beacon of high cultural attainment, blossoming…
'Do this in remembrance of me ...'
Former naval officer, Melissa Lipsett, offers a Remembrance Day reflection
Philip Yancey on not trusting his body, healing a 50-year family rift and what's so hard about grace
The bestselling author on the gift he didn’t want
Be a peacemaker
Just one word: resolution. The beautiful possibility of bringing harmony and peace, reconciliation and shalom.…
Good news and bad news for the Aussie church
More than 600 church pastors and leaders were present at Exponential Australia’s inaugural National Conference…
Missionary Diary: A revolutionary message for Thai women
Linda and Jim McIntosh are serving God in Chiang Dao, Thailand, with OMF. We spent…