Culture Watch
The world's most famous Passion Play was worth the wait
When did not coping become the new normal?
Susy aims to help families raise kids who care
Teacher and education consultant Susy Lee had a couple of surprises in writing and self-publishing…
The Christian message in modern art
An invitation to follow the I AM
The office needs you – or at least your work colleagues do
WFH a poor substitute – humans want to belong!
'Five loaves and two fish' story gets real: Dallas Jenkins tears up on set of The Chosen Season 3
Behind the Scenes at the Feeding of the Five Thousand (#F5K)
Brazen thieves steal $2 million gold tabernacle
An 18-carat gold, jewel-encrusted tabernacle valued at 2 million US dollars has been stolen from…
Tauren Wells: Mariah tours, Grammy nominations, #1 radio hits – but focused on God and others
After reading Tauren Wells’ bio, my first thought is, “Oh no, this guy’s a big…
Introducing the Not That Christian Column
Launching lite with “Catholic aesthetic”, beer-brewing bros, and a legal stoush over Dorothy Gale’s dress