Should Christian ministers quit digital technology?
Tingman YouTube channel: 1000 cubes for 1000 chickens
How the Church can use technology to usher in a revival
Technology touches our lives daily, if not hourly. In an ocean of hype and ominous…
How can the church speak about AI?
For better or worse, artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay, so how can the…
AI Jesus is here and he’s streaming 24/7
I never imagined I’d interview AI Jesus, but here we are …
YouTube influencer Ann Reardon takes on the internet
What every digital consumer needs to know
Language as a balm and the work of Māori reclamation
A young Māori Anglican shares his journey.
What does it mean to be human in the age of AI?
Tech pundits and sci-fi writers have long speculated about the impacts of artificial intelligence (AI)…
The spiritual costs of connecting through devices
With a hearty laugh and gentlemanly American cadences, Andy Crouch is a writer and thinker…
Connected to devices but not to people? It's time to talk
It’s fitting that this year CPX’s Richard Johnson lecture will be live in person. It’s…
Who do Aussies trust to sort out ethical issues? Scientists and doctors
Scientists and the medical community are the people Australians look to to solve the emerging…