The rags to (spiritual) riches story of an Indian orphan
Work as worship, labour as liturgy
Christianity's gift to the practice of leadership
My friend Anthony told me an amazing story that illustrates the complicated concepts around serving,…
The woman who became a 'Steel Queen'
A couple of years ago, I started researching and telling stories of some of the…
Shining a light on the stories we live by
The importance of learning about worldviews We have just celebrated Easter, such a significant plot…
The journey towards faith-work integration
Christopher Petschack is 21 months into a two-years Masters course through Regent College in Vancouver,…
A Biblical Theology of Work
What does the Bible say; what do we get wrong; and why does it matter?
Seeing the Creator's fingerprints everywhere
“I see the Creator’s fingerprints on everything in the parks. I see the intricate fingerprints…
What makes an organisation Christian?
The following is an excerpt from the new book Keeping Faith: How Christian Organisations Can…
Translating beliefs into behaviour: how to prevent mission drift
Stephen Judd, former CEO of HammondCare, was shocked to realise that statements of faith were…
Christian organisations can make or break people's faith
I wonder if you have ever worked for a Christian organisation? I have. I have…