From Marty Woods in Tokyo.
Everyone will have their memorable Olympic moment. Perhaps it was the joy on an Italian’s high jumpers face when Qatar’s Mutaz Essa Barshim asked the official if he and Gianmarco Tamberi could share the gold medal asking, “Can we have two golds?”
The Italian later said, “Sharing with a friend is even more beautiful.”
Maybe it was the sight of the Fiji Rugby 7’s team down on their knees after beating New Zealand – praying, thanking God and giving him the glory. The BBC commentator exclaimed, “Wow- that’s so powerful!”
The world has been taken in. Billions have cheered and applauded the athletes.
All the while hundreds of thousands of Christians throughout the world have been praying for the Games, the athletes and the host nation.
From small towns to the largest Brazilian Christian TV station, from children in Africa to the elderly in Malaysia, Christians have come together to pray for the host nation.
Creativity became a characteristic of their prayers. Ordinary runners and athletes prayed as they trained. A group of bikers committed to pray during their 10,000 km ride while a Japanese Church ran a 17-day prayer relay.
Churches, mission agencies and individuals across the globe spread the word. It has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people passionately committing daily prayers for Japan and for the Games.
Churches in India committed to 50,000 hours, a Korean group signed up people to pray seven hours a day for Japan…34,000 hours over one week
A Christian Brazilian athlete, competing in the Games, sent a message, “Thank you for your prayers! There is something supernatural going on here. I can’t even describe it.”
Perhaps the energy and faith of this movement is captured by the enthusiasm of a lady at a prayer meeting of Malaysian churches. She exclaimed, “1 million hours? No, let’s reach 1 billion!”
One Australian pray-er wrote, “Somehow can you thank the Japanese people for providing a venue and infrastructure for the Olympics. In a world that needed inspiration and hope Japan has taken the risks. We are grateful.”
The prayers aren’t stopping. Christians around the world are continuing to pray for Japan commencing with the Paralympic Opening Night ceremony on Tuesday the 24th of August for 13 days.
Join the global prayer family at and on Instagram @japan1million
Some prayer points to help
Join in and pray for Japan, and their Olympic visitors to be drawn to Christ